Learn more about the key elements of the project
When complete, vehicles will use the new northbound ramp to enter the Hume Motorway from North Wilton. Vehicles from the future Wilton Town Centre can also use this ramp to access the motorway.
The ramp will start about 300 metres south of the existing Niloc Bridge, and join the Hume Motorway as a merge lane underneath the Niloc Bridge.
The entry ramp is designed for vehicles to travel at 80 km/h which increases to 110 km/h to match with the motorway speed to allow for merging traffic.
Concept design subject to change and approvals.
The new southbound ramp will allow vehicles (travelling from Campbelltown and Sydney, for example) to exit the Hume Motorway and enter directly into Bingara Gorge by turning left or North Wilton by turning right (via a new bridge over the Hume).
The intersection will have traffic lights, with two right-turn lanes and one left-turn slip lane.
Concept design subject to change and approvals.
A new two-way bridge will be built over the Hume Motorway, connecting the new southbound exit ramp to Fairway Drive in North Wilton. It will allow vehicles travelling south on the Hume (e.g. from Sydney or Campbelltown) to enter directly into North Wilton.
The new bridge will be located directly alongside the existing Niloc Bridge, and will also connect North Wilton and the future Wilton Town Centre to Bingara Gorge.
Under the concept design, the new bridge will be 66 metres long and have three lanes (two westbound and one eastbound).
Concept design subject to change and approvals.
The existing Niloc Bridge will be converted into a pedestrian and cycle bridge, allowing people to walk and ride safely.
This bridge will connect the existing Wilton shared path to Bingara Gorge, becoming an important connection for people who want to walk, jog and cycle.
Concept design subject to change and approvals.