Landcom is proposing to build new entry and exit ramps onto the Hume Motorway from North Wilton.

This infrastructure is vital to the growth of North Wilton, as well as the wider Wilton Growth Area. When complete, vehicles will be able to make smoother, faster journeys both locally and when travelling to Campbelltown, Sydney and beyond. Submit your feedback below before Sunday 23 March 2025.

What we're proposing:

  • A new northbound entry ramp onto the Hume Motorway
  • A new southbound exit ramp from the Hume Motorway
  • A new bridge over the Hume Motorway to improve access to and from North Wilton
  • Converting the existing Niloc Bridge into a dedicated pedestrian and cycle path.

Supporting works include:

  • Installing traffic lights at the intersection of the exit ramp and Fairway Drive
  • Earthworks, vegetation removal, lighting, signage, drainage, bridge embellishment and landscaping.

The new ramps will become the main access to the North Wilton area. Landcom is delivering this project on behalf of Transport for NSW, who will own and maintain the infrastructure.

Current status

We are currently preparing a draft Review of Environmental Factors (REF). The REF will document the possible impacts of the project on the environment, and how we plan to reduce or manage these impacts.

We welcome your comments at this stage to help inform the REF, which will be placed on public exhibition later this year.

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