What is proposed

Our build-to-rent project site is located at the corner of 32 Crawford Road / 144-146 Military Road, East Lismore.

The site is zoned mixed-use under the Lismore Local Environmental Plan 2012, which permits mid-rise apartments.

We propose to build 50 build-to-rent apartments in two mid-rise buildings, with a mix of apartment sizes and 20% affordable housing for those on low and moderate household incomes.

Key design features

  • Two apartment buildings follow the site’s slope to the south and provide appropriate scale with surrounding homes
  • Three-storey northern building screens the lower-level southern building, which is three storeys above a ground floor carpark
  • 50 apartments, with a mix of:
    • studios
    • one-bedroom apartments
    • two-bedroom apartments
    • three-bedroom apartments
  • 20% affordable rental housing for people on low to moderate incomes
  • 58 secure ground floor parking spaces, which is above minimum parking requirements, with vehicle access from Military Road
  • Pitched roofs, façade and balcony recesses help reduce the visual bulk and scale of the buildings so they blend with surrounding character
  • Facades, roof treatments and materials reflect local architectural character
  • Central laneway and rain garden features a mix of subtropical plants and provides through-site views of the hillside to the east
  • Ground floor shared space for communal use
  • Shared communal open spaces provide opportunity for social connection, relaxation and play
  • Apartments have access to screened private gardens or recessed balconies
  • Design celebrates Country through minimal site impacts, landscaping, sustainable water management, passive design and natural materials
  • The site is not flood prone
  • Central laneway and rain garden promotes through-site ventilation and helps to cool apartments during warmer weather
  • Water collected in the rain garden and in rainwater tanks for use in gardens
  • Permeable, raised walkways connect the buildings and respond to the topography.
  • Buildings oriented to maximise solar access and cross ventilation, reducing reliance on air conditioning
  • 6m setback from Crawford Road to keep as many mature, native trees as possible, helping support habitat for wildlife, cool the streets and screen the new buildings

Indicative plans and models