What is being proposed

Landcom is seeking to modify the approved concept masterplan for Macarthur Gardens North to allow us to deliver more homes and affordable housing in Campbelltown and help meet the significant housing demand in southwest Sydney.

What changes are proposed?

  • Around 310 additional apartments, bringing the total number of apartments to approximately 1,560.
  • Increase building heights to varied heights between 32 and 85 metres across the site.
  • Some of the buildings lots will remain as 32 metres in height along the lower building heights close to Goldsmith Avenue.
  • No changes are proposed to the approved development footprint, road layout, building setbacks or open space provisions.

Why are changes proposed?

The proposed changes aim to:

  • optimise the site’s location close to public transport, employment, community services and shops
  • provide much-needed additional housing within one of the fastest growing areas in Sydney
  • increase housing choices with a range of apartments sizes
  • increase the amount of Affordable Housing available at Macarthur Gardens North.

How would the changes be made?

Landcom will submit two concurrent planning applications:

  • Planning Proposal will be lodged with the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure seeking to amend the Campbelltown Local Environment Plan 2015. This will enable the delivery of varied building heights proposed ranging from 32 metres to 62 metres, and a single landmark building of up 85 metres located at the Railway Plaza.
  • A new concept masterplan Development Application will be lodged with Campbelltown City Council for the mixed use development, with new building heights to accommodate approximately 1,560 apartments, of which at least 10% will be allocated as affordable housing.


Click the arrows to read all of our fact sheets about the proposed change to Macarthur Gardens North

Indicative artist’s impression of the proposed uplift

Retaining the key features